html, css and JavaScript logos

HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Strong knowledge of front-end development tools. Experience using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery while working as a website coordinator for I've logged countless hours coding my own projects as well as participating in hack-a-thons.

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React logo


Extensive experience developing within the React ecosystem while using Redux for state management. My confidence allows me to troubleshoot and debug my colleagues' code. Problem-solving is what attracted me to development and analyzing and debugging code is like a puzzle that needs to be solved. I am passionate about React development and I think it shows in my work. If you can imagine it, I can build it.

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Node.js and Java logo

Node.js and Java

Full-stack javascript development makes your team versatile. I specialize in Node.js utilizing Express for native and server/api development. I studdied Java at university and have continued my education autodidactically since then. I've utilized my Java coding skills in Japan by making numerous apps and games that were used by my colleagues to aid in instruction of foreign language to children of all ages (from kindergarten up to high school). I think my unique experience can make me a valuable member of your full-stack team.

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Recent Projects

I started coding in the early 2000s but since then, I've continued to hone my skills by making apps for problems I face in my day-to-day and professional life. I've made a deliberate effort to continue my education and practice my skills. I also code for fun.

The Queue

The Queue is a ticket and issue tracking application that allows students to escalate concerns and receive help.

This was the first project of this magnitude that I built myself, front-end to back-end.

I used Node with Express to build out the API. Knex with SQLite3 were used to build the database in the development and test environment. PostgreSQL was used in the production environment. To protect user information bcrypt and json web tokens were used. The application does not store the user's password! Testing was done with Jest and Supertest

The front-end is built with React utilizing Redux for state management.

Section lead login:
Username: showmethemoney
Password: showmethemoney

Deployed Front-End Front-End GitHub Repo Back-End GitHub Repo


AirPrice uses historical booking data to predict the optimal price for an AirBnB listing in Berlin.

I led the front-end team in this cross-functional project. We worked with an international team of data science and machine learning engineers to develop an application to show the optimal price of an AirBnb listing in a given neighborhood in Berlin based on information provided by the user.

As the front-end lead, I delegated tasks and supervised all git merges to the development and master branches. I implemented the application’s state management (Redux), communication with the back-end and DS models, and all business logic.

Login with a populated account:
Username: showmethemoney
Password: showmethemoney

Deployed Front-End Marketing Page GitHub Repo


Spider.Graph allows a user to create dynamic radar graphs using an intuitive and responsive user interface.

I worked on a team of six engineers to deliver a proof-of-concept build backed by a stake-holder. We built out the entire application in a week. The application allows the user to create dynamic radar graphs using an intuitive and responsive user interface.

As a member of the front-end team, I worked on building key components in React and implementing state logic with Redux. Other technologies used include React Router, Chart.js, Formik, Axios and Styled Components.

Deployed Front-end Marketing Page GitHub Repo

Pic Metric

Pic Metric uses machine learning techniques to analyze your pictures and give you a breakdown of what you're photographing by category (people, places, things, etc). An image is found from a url fed into our predictive model, which is trained on 25.6 million images. The model identifies features of the image and generates predictions about what the image depicts.

I developed and designed the project marketing/landing page with an emphasis on responsiveness and assisted with front-end logic. I also designed the project’s logo.

This was my first project as a member of a cross-functional team of software, data science and machine learning engineers.

Marketing Page GitHub Repo